Decongest your nose with your breath not drugs
For many years I thought I needed to take drugs when I had sinus symptoms of allergies or a sickness. Recently I found out in my breathing training that this is wasted effort. You can do things with your breath and nose to unblocked these activities and that most sinus congestion is actually a sign of poor breathing habits rather than taking stimulants to trick you into thinking you don’t have a problem. Do this and solve the issue. Back this up with some healthy nose breathing and you’ll keep it away. We have more breathwork to do and this one will help start your journey toward better breathing even if you already have something going on.
Did you know you can clear your sinuses and nose from stuffy or runny nose symptoms with a little nose breathing and breath holding? This is something that you can do for about 5 minutes and clear you sinuses easily and effectively.
Decongestion activity:
Sit or lay quietly with a flat back.
Breathe Lightly, Slowly, and Deeply through your nose. Slow your breath down taking your time, extending how much time each breath takes. Once you've arrived at a easy slow breath, breathe out normally, hold your nose, hold your breath, and wibble wobble side to side, back and forth, until you have a strong urge to breathe.
Once you have that strong urge to breathe, let go of your nose and take a slow inhale through your nose.
Continue slowly breathing through your nose and returning your breath to a long, slow, deep breath, then repeat this breath hold, and returning to a calm breath 3-5 times.
Why This Works:
This activity does two amazing things that help open up your sinuses, airways and circulation.
It allows you to capture Nitric Oxide and Carbon Dioxide in your body. These two amazing chemicals are critical to opening up your airways, sinuses, and circulation. When you breathe slower, you build up higher levels of carbon dioxide which cause your blood vessels to relax and open up, allowing a freer movement of fluid throughout your body. Yeah carbon dioxide has a bad wrap in the media because its being blamed on global warming, but I’ve got news for you, higher levels of it in your body is not only good for you, its essential for better health. This activity also encourages you to breathe through your nose with allows you to capture the nitric oxide that is always being produced by your nose (you should always breathe through your nose), holding your nose and breath allows you to trap and increase the amount that is stored. When you breathe in after your breath hold you bring a large amount of this chemical into your airways and circulation. This chemical also causes you airways to relax and open up, and once it gets into you lungs it passed into your blood vessels which further relax and open up. This effect assists with the clearing of your sinuses.
The strong urge to breathe that is invoked by this activity’s breath hold further causes the body to open up your sinuses and airways because it interprets your desire to breathe as a life threatening activity and it works to do anything it can to help open things up.
We aren’t sure why the wibble wobbling helps, but it does. And its silly so do it. Have some silly fun while you take time to help you take care of you instead of relying on something outside of your body to make you feel better. Take the reigns and make yourself feel better.
Try it out. It this doesn’t work for you there are additional steps that you can ask me about, hit me up for a 1on1 consultation and we’ll help you figure it out.