Dobry Rano
A story from my Wim Hof Method Instructor experience in Poland of 2022.
Dobry Rano
It started at 4am when I awoke from my nervous dreamless slumber. I made 5 hours of sleep which had me feeling magical relatively speaking from the last two nights at the Wim Hof Academy in Poland. The first night I was so nervous I only managed about 2 hours of sleep where I tossed and turned, discarded everything but a sheet despite the 50 degree room. The second night I managed about 4 hours of sleep, now on day 3 here I have 5 hours of sleep by 4 am and I feel stupendous. I dressed quietly in the dark trying not to wake anyone else and moved from the chalet where I am rooming with 8 other people taking the academy course as well. I move to the deserted main hotel Olympia cafeteria where I know I can journal, stretch, and prepare for the day that is slotted to start at 8am. It seems more productive than tossing and turning in my bed endlessly. When I get outside I am awed by the full moon's intensity through the clouds that is shining despite overcast clouds and a very light drizzle/snow flurries. The snow from the night before has melted by now, which is a sort of a relief because I suspect we will go hiking at some point today. I walk through the chilly air illuminated by moonlight. I pause to marvel at how distinct the outlines of the leafless trees that are highlighted by the glow and framed by the cottages that we are living in. I approach the dark building as see the Polish man providing night security and bar service at the hotel. I knock on the front door, "Dobry Rano," I say, to greet him for the morning, he responds and returns to his place at the front table where he can see the front gate, front door, where he can watch his Polish news program on his phone in the dark room. I kick my shoes off into the shoe cubby by the door and walk in. I walk to the hot water machine and sigh when I find that it isn't turned on yet. Then move to the furthest table in the cafeteria of about 20 large tables and benches that you would expect in a school cafeteria, put my bag and coat down. I mess with what seems like an in ordinant number of light switches in the room to find the one that turns on 3 back lights that are perfect for journaling and stretching that I am imagining I'll start working on soon. I move to fill up my red Tommy Knocker water bottle (that I bought in Idaho Springs, CO a few years back decorated with stickers from many of my adventures) which had an electrolyte powder mixture I brought from home and take a refreshing swig from the bottle I don't really know what is in store for the day but I know having solid hydration will help me prepare. I take a this book from my bag and my course workbook out from bag and begin to try to organize my thoughts for the 10 minute presentation I may have to give at any point this day. This task of talking for 10 minutes is causing a ton of stress for my body and mind, more so than I think it should, but it is there, present and now. The academy leave a lot to the your imagination to see how people will respond to unexpected things as Daniel, our small groups fearless Sexy Snowleopard leader says, "Expect the unexpected", which adds a layer of stress to the whole process of learning we are undertaking as a group. I understand that they are doing this to ensure that instructors will be able to handle sudden situations where something could go wrong with the training we are learning to conduct with other people and they want to ensure that their instructors will be able to respond, roll with the punches and keep on succeeding. I start to make a few notes about my memories of my breathwork over the last two years and my shorter cold work journey as well. My mind quickly bores of this and I move to a yoga mat on the floor, which is still out from the previous day for some mild stretching near the table I have claimed as my own. After a few sore and relieving moments of movement, breathing, and stretching, Gitte, a shamistic yoga therapist comes down stairs to the cafeteria as well and walks over toward my table. "I had trouble sleeping," she says, "Yeah me too." I respond. Its about 515 now and we start chatting for the first time. Our topics range far and wide, we explore life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I discover she is from Denmark and we discuss the course so far as well as what we think might be to come. She is a kindred spirit. 45 minutes pass like nothing and our quiet calm conversation is disrupted. Loud music begins blaring from upstairs. We know that some sort of shenanigans are afoot with the course work and we tell each other I guess its great that we were already up. Already ready for whatever they have in store for us.
Its 6am now, and its 2 hours before we have a scheduled activity with the group. I take a drink from my water bottle, pack my things up back into my bag and check to see what clothing I have available to me in the room, to see what I am prepared for. A few instructors come down stairs with their big ole boombox and I ask them what's going on. They say that we have 10 minutes, we are leaving soon, have your swimming clothes available because we are going to the waterfall. I am wearing a smartwool undershirt, smartwool hoodie, a northface fleece jacket, wool socks, wool hat, and sweatpants. I have a scarf and gloves in the pockets of my coat. I quickly go and get my swim trunks to put on under my sweat pants so I'll be ready for the adventure we are going on. There is light drizzle alternating with light flurries and I decide the rest of my clothing will be fine for the walk through the woods that it takes to get to the waterfall. They walked us there on a previous day to show us the location during the day. It was a lovely walk where we were completely immerse in nature, surrounded by large trees and a stream that meandered along the path we walked crossing in several places.
Other students begin coming downstairs mildly annoyed that we are being made to expect the unexpected but more so excited to see what we have in store for us. I mean, we are going to the waterfall for what we can only imagine is an ice bath experience. This is what we came here for and my levels of adrenaline begin to rise with anticipation. They haven't said what we will do, just where we will go and the things we should need to this point. There is a lot of chatting in the room and excitement about what will happen. People are trying to get hot beverages like coffee or tea to add a little energy for the journey, the machine has since been turned on since when I tried for it at a few hours ago now. A few people say hi to me and we chat about possibilities of what will happen. "Alright everyone outside for an announcement!" our instructors shout over the cacophony of the crowd. After a short bit of putting our shoes back on. We move outside in the group of about 60 people, students and instructors arranged in a large circle. It is still very dark before dawn, the sky continues to be illuminated by a completely full and radiant but hidden moon. Steam from everyone's breath is rising from their noses and mouths as they wait a few precious moments for instructions from our instructors. There is anticipation, readiness, excitement, and nervousness that is palpable in the crisp morning air. "Alright we are going to the waterfall, now while we are walking we want you to focus, what want you to do this hike in silence, this is about mindset, be here on this hike and present in this moment. We will give you more instructions when we get to the waterfall."
And with that we begin our walk down the oddly familiar but altogether different trail through the dark woods starting next to the hotel. The small amount of chatter dies down almost immediately as we start walking. Everyone is fully decked out in whatever gear they chose for this journey. Some are wearing full winter clothing, as the temperature is hovering right around freezing with light drizzle and flurries, at least one person is wearing a speedo, a towel, and flip flops. It was left up to us to figure out what is appropriate for this hike. I chose to wear the fairly minimal amount of winter clothing I mentioned before with barefoot running shoes added, but I have put on my scarf, gloves, and hat now. I also have tucked a towel under my coat for drying off after water experience we could encounter. I know that I could challenge myself and do the hike with less clothing, but because I am not sure what the instructors have in store for us I decide to save my mental drive and focus for keeping warm for the waterfall. Others are wearing much less gear with crocs, swimming trunks, and a light coat being the lightest clad person I can see. There is enough light filtering through the clouds to see the trail and we have a head lamp or other light with just about every 4th person to allow for enough light to easily navigate the trail through the woods. The odd root end, thinly iced puddles, and small rocks are difficult to see without the lights. We walk down the first hill and make it to the familiar ice patch of ground next to the large white cottage next to the river. I do my now familiar skating across this area and giggle to myself as it is something that I truly enjoyed as a small boy and still enjoy now. It is a wonderful moment of nostalgia and balance. Skate, slide, skate, slide, and a few meters of joyful moments of ice ground is complete and I continue my hiking journey in silence. The group moves further down the path into the relative darkness of the trees and predawn morning, the intermittent headlamps helping navigate the terrain. Roots, rocks, ice and puddles abound. In the background running water in the stream near the path flow endlessly down the mountain. It is a stark contrast to the silence of our group. I marvel at how my feet are holding to the terrain in my light shoes, the darkness and quite is helping me focus on other things like how each of on my toes grabs the rocks as I step up and over them, or conform to a root that is unseen under some shallow mud. My body is warm and I feel ready. I remember to focus on my breathing, I start to consciously breathe and slow down my breathing rhythm. I choose 5x5 breathing for this hike because it is easy, helps me focus, and matches what I feel my breath needs are for this hike up the mild slope up the side of this mountain. I notice my back feels tight on my inhales, right in the center of the back where I have my familiar pain. I enjoy the stretching of my ribcage as it loosens with each slow 5 second inhale and exhale. I notice the chill in the air as I breathe in slowly and feel the sharp flavor of the air that bites with the cold that melts away when I exhale. We continue to walk along the trail and arrive at a narrow wooden bridge that crosses the stream we have been listening to for this walk so far. The water is louder here, pleasant, and peaceful. I pause on the bridge for a moment to take in the wonderful sounds in the darkness. I can see ice on the rocks and in the water of the stream. A few pass me as they continue their journey up the mountain. We have come to a road intersection and walk on the road for a short distance before returning to the woods. I see Gitte emerge from the darkness behind me, "Hey" she whispers quietly with a smile, "Hey" I respond, and we continue. Into the woods again.
The trail is longer now, winding its path up the gradual slope, running water to the right, the ice is more present in the water. Crack! Slash! Cold water rushes to cover my feet as I break through a shallow ice covered puddle in the trail. I feel a cool sensation across my feet which are now soaked in water. I don't mind, my feet are warm, my mind is focused, my breath is easy. "Oops" I think to myself and I am confident that my feet will continue to be warm on this hike.
I continue to focus on my breathing. My ankles begin to get sore a bit and I squeeze my belly and butt to better align my hips for walking and the annoying signs of an old injury melt away. We continue, lights bouncing in the darkness, the only sounds are footfalls from various caliber shoes ranging from hiking boots, to sneakers, to crocs. We are a motley crew. In the distance we hear the soothing noise of the waterfall. We have arrived at our destination.
Bart, our fearless leader, brings us into a large gaggle of people centered around him for instructions. He is illuminated by his headlamp and gives off the vibe that he is telling a ghost story around a fire. We find out that we are to split into two groups, one will head to the upper pool of the waterfall, and the other the lower closer pool.
I am selected to stay at the lower pool and we move to the picnic area nearby to take off my unneeded clothes with the company of half of the students. I select a table at the end and I decide to put my clothes under the table to try to keep my undergarments protected from the light drizzle. As I take off my clothes it becomes apparent that the temperature is hovering around freezing. The cold air is refreshing on my skin. I had built up a bit of heat on the walk where I was slightly sweating on my chest, back, and feet. This was intentional because I wanted to have the most stamina for cold when I arrived. Others had more much less than me as it was their choice. I place my glasses on top of my pile of clothes to keep my vision clear for the activity ahead. Daniel, Emma, Heather, and Niall get the group circled up for a session of horse stance to warm up and prepare our bides and minds for what we are all about to do. We are to go into the water as a group, join arms over shoulders in a circle and remain there until we are complete. We are given the discretion to decide how long to endure the cold and we are told to make the decision as a group. I've never done anything like this and I become slightly nervous about how it will go. This quickly passes from my mind as we circle up and begin the rhythmic movements and chanting that horse stance calls upon. We lower into the wide squat stance, about half way down, and begin rotating our upper bodies and arms across side to side. Making slightly guttural Hoo sounds to one side and slightly guttural Ahh sounds to the other. The synchronizes and suddenly all other noises fall away. Just the sounds of our voices in unison, chanting, powering, invigorating. I feel the energy brewing within me and around me. After a short time we are ready.
We move single file over a small wooden bridge toward the waterfall. I am near the back of the line for my group as we start traversing the rocks to enter the cold water of the pool. A few have stationed themselves at difficult areas to help people move safely through the rocks. We all take our careful time.
I move perching on rocks with bare feet and using my hands to balance on boulders on the edge of the pool. I have energy and anticipation coursing through by body. The water is cold, but it doesn't matter, it is just another sensation for my body to relish in the gift of life. I am knee deep and its ok, I see the others have already created most of the circle, joined arms and are watching to see as the last of us get into the water. Waist deep, chest, cold and energy abounds and its ok. I find my spot in the circle, I join arms and shoulders to my left and right. To the left my arm and hand is perched out of the water with the warmth of the man to my left. To my right my forearm and hand are under the water as its slightly deeper on that side. I take a moment to study the different sensations side to side. I struggle to find a foothold on the floor of the pool. One foot is perched on a rock on the ball of my foot, the stone feels oddly cool but comforting with its steady support. My other foot floats for a moment as I stretch to search for another foothold to have a solid wide stance in the pools mild current. After a moment I realize I have plenty of support from those to my left and right so I place both feet together on the boulder I've perched on, zipping my legs up together standing on the balls of my feet with my arms around those next to me. Warmth emanating from their shoulders in stark contrast to the cold water, my body forming a large T shape in the water. Now that I am stable I look around me, at the faces of the others. I notice varying degrees of holding, discomfort, neutral, and smiling faces. Then the humming begins.
It seemed like one and then everyone began. I feel the energy begin to flow. I follow suit with this unfamiliar action. Immediately the front of my chest is vibrating and I feel energy, a flow, fire in my chest. All discomfort is gone, all I feel is energy, I run out of breath and take another larger inhale, my concentration breaks for a moment and I feel my right hand cold and submerged in the water again as I feel energy and light entering my body. Hmmmmmmmmm, I say again, louder, longer and feel a greater vibration in my through and chest. I am here, present, living, breathing, feeling, loving this moment. Another breath. I am more focused this time and I only barely notice my right hand this time. As I inhale I visualize fire, light, and energy in my chest. Hmmmmmmm, louder this time, but I control the breath to keep the exhale hmmm long, powerful, vibrating in my chest, savoring the feeling. I look around, I see faces, energy, people united together in their action to not only survive in the frigid pool, but thrive! Most are starring straight ahead engrossed in their own experience of energy, lift, and presence. I take another breath and continue, and continue, and again with every breath the energy grows, my presence, my absolute presence in the moment and feeling. All the worry in my life was left at the edge of the pool, I am here and now. Feeling and experience life perhaps for the very first time in its magical beauty.
I suddenly am aware my mind has ben elsewhere for what could have been a moment or eternity. I notice the faces across from me looking side to side and nodding telling each other its time to complete this amazing experience. The humming is calming down, I look up to the sky and it is absolutely breathtaking. The glow of the moon through the clouds and the delicate manner the tree branches interplay with it over the pool brings me incredible unbridled joy. I feel a buzzing, an energy around my skull as I gaze up. It feels like warmth, comfort, unbridled happiness. The others are beginning to flow out of the pool now. First in, first out, I was toward the back so I get to linger in the pool for a few more moments, "Wow," I mutter to myself. The others are moving calmly, slowly, safely out of the water. I look up again and take in the brilliance again. I see a lot of others are not noticing the light I am taking so much pleasure in, I have to share, "Hey," I say to anyone and no one, "look up, look at the sky!" a few look up and notice, pause and remark in their own way to the magnificence as we wade through the now thigh deep water. Perching on rocks as before, moving calmly and safely. A few have stationed themselves to help others navigate out of the pool again, a nice bracketing of safety and support mirrored from our entrance. I take a hand, the security, warmth, and energy is so comforting and generous. No one asked, they just did. As I clear the water and step onto drier ground I feel warm all over my body, my head is in a daze of delight, confusion, and wonder. I trod along the path toward the wooden bridge that I walked over just a moment ago and it is familiar and changed. Some have already moved back to their clothing to start drying and changing into drier clothing. I see three stationed at the end of the bridge. There are two on one side, 1 on the other, in the familiar half squat of the horse stance, chanting, moving, breathing fire into their cold bodies. I feel a chill of the cool air and drizzle on my skin. I stand with them. I recognize Robbin, we meet eyes for a moment and I begin to work.
We Dance
My work now is to spark, and kindle my inner warmth, my inner fire. While in the pool of water there was no effort to be warm, it was about surrender to sensation and embrace relaxation. Together we are suddenly moving, together we are warming, together we are gathering energy, stoking fires, together we are recovering. Hoo, Ahh, hoo, ahh, left, right, side to side, synchronized. Flowing. The chill dampens and I feel fire in my chest as energy grows. The instructors guide the rest of the group to join the horse stance and our energy grows. To join us, to kindle fires, and to continue our focus need to recover from this amazing activity. Slowly at first and gradually building energy, speed, I feel warm, my bare feet on the ground are comfortable. The energy guilds, the Hoos and Ahhs grow. Daniel our guide and leader yells that was should start the somewhat silly named Looky Looky Horse stance that we learned the day before. We begin to slowly with one person stepping out of the circle and facing the person to the left a foot or two in front of them, continuing the rhythmic movement of horse stance while staring directly into the person across from them's eyes. After a few moments, a few swings of horse stance, and a connection between the two, the person then moves on to the next person, peeling the person they were looking at off of the circle as well to move to the next person in line. Soon the circle is quickly curling in on itself with many now chanting and eye gazing at others as the circles snakes in on itself as the move continues. Energy flows freely between us. Gazing into each other's eyes in entrancing. Every person lingers for a moment and then moves on. I move down the line. I notice Berhardt's energy is especially strong, his face has an amazing amount of expression and energy on it as we move togethers, synchronized for a moment. Then another and another. The Hoos and Ahhs are echoing throughout the forest now. Our area is dark other than the glow of the moon. Our instructors encourage us to keep moving on as some of us linger longer with each partnership, savoring the energy and life. I vividly remember Robbin and Ignes energy being especially bright, it was connected and strong, from somewhere deep. Even though our faces were shrouded with darkness I am entranced and need encouragement to move along. This happens many times with the many people in the group. I arrive to, dance with, and complete my horse stance with my last partner. Then the amazing activity is complete.
We are asked to dry and clothe quickly and begin our walk back to the lodge down the still dark trail. I move to my clothing area along with the others around me. I am feeling energized and charged. Heather is my safety guide near my table. She is kind and chats lightly with me as I get my things together. As I start to focus on reclothing and drying I begin to shiver. It doesn't feel like a shiver of cold, something more like a shiver of relief and relaxation. Like I had a close encounter a bear and my body is shaking it off. I let myself shiver for a few moments as I dress. I feel now that my feet are cold and I take care to focus on warming them. I start pumping my toes and feet along with adding my focus to that area and they quickly respond.
My focus falters as I dress and find my glasses that have fallen to the side of my pile of clothes. I am pleased that my undergarments have stayed relatively dry hidden under the table. I tell Heather, "I'm about to drop trow to change my shorts out," and she turns around.
We are told we will complete the hike back in silence again and to keep our focus.
The day is just beginning. I have no idea how long this experience has been so far but I know it is still pretty dark other than the moonlight, though dawn is quickly approaching. We begin walking back down the now familiar but different pathway. My sense are heightened. I hear the water flowing and it has changed its character, I can hear the more sound with every rock, every drop, every icicle drip, emanating its own sound. I can feel a light breeze on my face, I can feel it reaching through my clothing to my skin with a cool embrace, but I like it. I am warm. I marvel at the now brighter light as it filters through the trees and makes walking with my own light simpler. Everything is good as I breathe. Long and slow like before, now I cultivate a visualization of white flames in the center of my chest. Every slow inhale through my nose kindles this flame further until it feels like it is bursting out of my chest with feelings of calm confidence comfort. Euphoria. Quiet. Calm. Kindred spirits walk with me. I am lost to time. I notice when I cross the wooden bridge again for a moment. Then we are back to the lodge.
Our day has just begun.
We are given a few moments to put our clothes away in our rooms. Then we move to breathe together. I have never breathed after cold exposure before and my body and mind are absolutely prepared. The group has remained largely subdued compared to its normal chatter as we move to the lodge area and setup to breathe a few feet where I was at the beginning of this story working to prepare for this magnificent day. I am excited to see where this breathing session will take me. My mind and body are primed. I feel a mere fraction of the anxiety I have been feeling with breathwork sessions before. The group work sessions had felt stifling to me before, and now they feel aligned to my energy and I feel so much less fear. As I lay on a yoga mat I situate my body how it feels it needs to be supported. I add a few yoga mats rolled up under my knees to take any semblance of tension from my low back and hips. I place both of my hands palms up just above my head with my elbows flared out to ease my shoulder back and neck tension. A few easy breaths on my own. I feel comfort with the crowd of people around me. Their energy is so positive it makes me crave more. A woman's voice begins "Breathe in" and we're off.
Bringing full but easy breaths in, my chest expands and relaxes with my exhales. Strong full breaths without force. A rhythm develops, like a wave, as the breath, the oxygen, the space, the energy enters. The stress, anxiety, and pain leave my body with the exhales. Quickly the familiar feelings of a deep breathing session overwhelm me. Breathing in an out, hearing the voices of our guides, the breathing of those around me, I lose myself. "Breathe out and hold" resonates around the room and you hear people deeply exhale and relax. Immediately I freed and my emotions have loosened. Deep emotions, from the depths of my soul begin to energy into my consciousness. I feel them welling, at the front of my chest, at the base of my skull, and across my checks. Tingling, cool easy spreads across my body, "Breathe in and hold" FLASH bright blue light, ultramarine, across my vision in a radiant cloud. I'm home. Ready. Breathe.
This next round amplifies the effects. More is brewing, happiness, sadness, confidence, simultaneously. Time is nothing. "Exhale, hold" peace. A few breaths, a few extra breaths before I'm ready to hold, to feel energized. Then, I'm in another world, my muscles twitch and relax, fainter areas of hold in my back and neck let go. Tears well in my eyes and stream down my face.
Everything is beautiful.
My head shakes slightly side to side asking the muscles to release. "Inhale, hold".
Radiant purple, magenta streaks in my vision. Squeezing muscles in my back and head. I feel warm positive energy filling the room and overcoming my position. "Next Round" We breathe. Deeper we go. Flowing, moving, living here in the moment. Nothing else matters, just here, now, radiance. Tears stream down my face. Profound joy and profound sadness coexist. Its beautiful.
Together we breathe. Time is nothing.
I feel emotionally exhausted, energized, and set free. There is guidance spoken but I do not hear. We move to sitting and I sit on my mat and comprehend what just happened, quiet, contemplative, refreshed. The energy in the room is tremendous even with this newfound stillness. People move into pairs or small groups, or leave the area to process what has happened. People laugh, people cry, people hug. Nicole moves to my mat and I share some deep seated truths from what happened with her. I have never felt such calm in my life. I feel amazing. I am absolutely present. The world away from this place does not matter. We are present, here and now. Experience life. One of the best breakfasts of my life happened after this, and this breakfast was nice and fine, but the people and the energy made it magical. I enjoy every morsel better. I am different. Each bite I savor as I chat with others about the morning so far.
Its still the early morning. This day has barely begun.
I work to make this experience availabe to you, here, locally, so you can see that you have the power within your body and mind. This is always available to you. The more you connect, the more you focus, the more you will connect to the things that life is all about.